What is the process for booking?

  1. Request an appointment via email, telephone or text message. CLICK HERE to view my booking page.

What is OWL Practice?

  • OWL Practice is my practice management software. It allows me to schedule appointments, keep notes, collect payment, and hold video counselling sessions. It is a confidential and secure platform.

What is telehealth?

You will connect with your counsellor via telephone or online via video meeting using your laptop, desktop, or mobile device.

What equipment do I need to have a counselling session via telehealth?

One of the following devices:

  • -Telephone
  • -Desktop
  • -Laptop
  • -Tablet with webcam and speakers
  • -Smartphone (must download Telehealth by Simple Practice app).
  • -Secure internet connection (preferably hard wired rather than wifi)
  • -Private quiet space free of distractions

Is telehealth private?

Just like an in person session, telehealth is private and confidential. Your counsellor will be the only one present in your session, and it is up to you to maintain privacy on your end.

What will my first counselling session consist of?

Your counsellor will introduce herself and have a brief discussion with you regarding informed consent as well as any questions she may have regarding the information you provided on the intake form. You will get to know one another and discuss your presenting concerns as well as your goals for counselling. Collaboratively you and your counsellor will decide if she is a good fit for you. Each initial session will be tailored to meet your individual needs.