Cannabis and the Adolescent Brain
In 2017, 17% of Canadian students in grades 7 to 12 reported having used cannabis at least once in the past year (Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey). This made Canadian students, in this age range, the top cannabis users among their peers worldwide! I feel as though these numbers may increase with the legalization of cannabis in Canada. Scientific studies regarding teens and cannabis use, after legalization in Canada, will present the facts in the future. For now we wait!
Parents may be faced with questions from their teens such as, “Why would the government legalize pot if it is harmful?” “It’s a plant MOM! Natural! Don’t you use natural supplements?” Furthermore, teens may feel that cannabis use is not as risky now that it is legal, and therefore, may be more likely to give it a whirl (even though it is illegal for those under 18 years of age in Canada). As well, legalization increases the availability and varieties of cannabis for those who are interested in experimenting with the drug.
What is Cannabis?
Cannabis is a plant consisting of dried leaves, stems, seeds, flowers, resin, and, liquid. The active components in cannabis consist of over 60 different cannabinoids as well as over 400 chemicals. The most commonly known active cannabinoid in cannabis is THC.
How does it affect us?
It affects our endocannabinoid system which is part of our nervous system. This system regulates our appetite (munchies), pain sensation (feeling no pain), mood (euphoric, giggly, anxious), and memory (sorry, what were we just talking about?).
Short term effects
An individual experience of feeling “high” which may include but is not limited to feeling relaxed, euphoric, anxious, panicked, or fearful, as well as having altered sensory awareness.
Impaired attention, learning, short term memory, and motor control. With chronic heavy use some of these harms may never fully go away.
Long term effects
Increase cough, wheeze, and airway inflammation (when cannabis is inhaled).
Chronic heavy users may have trouble with concept formation, concentration, learning, remembering, and planning.
Cannabis use and depression occur together at a rate higher than chance. Long term heavy users have a moderate risk for depression.
There is a correlation between heavy chronic cannabis use and a decrease in our body’s ability to create dopamine. Lower levels of dopamine may alter motivation. Think about it this way… Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that our body produces. Some studies suggest that long term cannabis use alters the bodies dopamine production, and it is our dopamine production that contributes to our drive to do things. If dopamine is in short supply so too may be our motivation or our “get up and go”!
Long term cannabis use may lead to dependence or addiction.
Effects on the adolescent brain
The endocannabinoid system plays an important role in guiding neurodevelopmental processes, or in other words, the growth, maturation, and wiring of our brain. Cannabis directly affects this system. Do teens know that cannabis use is altering the way their brains develop?
Cannabis may negatively affect executive functions (mental skills, such as memory, self-control or inhibition, self-awareness, motivation, planning, and problem solving).
Cannabis use increases the risk of psychosis related symptoms and disorders in adulthood.
Here’s my 2 cents! There are developmental periods when the brain is highly sensitive to external stimuli, and the affects of those external stimuli on the brain during that time may be irreversible. A teens brain is still developing, and adolescence is one of 2 windows of brain development that is critical! The teenage brain in not only developing but undergoing explosive changes!
Have you ever heard the saying “use it or lose it”? During adolescence an overabundance of neurons or brain cells flood the brain, and through synaptogenesis the areas of the brain that are being frequently used will wire together and create brain pathways. In contrast, the connections that aren’t called on will die (synaptic pruning) leaving the most frequently used connections to take over. The brain’s prefrontal cortex is the last brain area to mature (taking a tad bit longer for males than females). This is the brain area that is responsible for our executive functions (attention, self-control, foreseeing consequences, setting priorities, etc). This area is under construction throughout adolescence. So…..if your teen is using cannabis, this is one area that is affected! If your teen is using cannabis throughout a delicate and critical time in their brain development how can it not affect their brain?! The best way to protect a developing brain is to make healthy choices and say no to cannabis.
What are the signs that my teen may be using cannabis?
Change in friends
Change in interests (athlete now has no interest in their sport)
Decreased interest in school and/or poor grades
Sudden mood changes, depression, withdrawal, sneaky
Change in sleeping and eating patterns and/or weight loss
When is cannabis use a problem?
If your brain is developing cannabis use is a problem!
Can’t cut down or stop using when desired
Lots of time spent using and recovering
Strong urges to use
Causing interpersonal problems
No longer filling required roles (student, employee, parent)
Tolerance or withdrawal
Communicate with your teen!
Listen to their concerns and answer their questions without judgement, over reaction, or alarm. If they are comfortable enough to bring their questions to you keep it that way!!
Tell them that their questions are valid and keep the conversation going with questions that require more than just a yes or no answer.
Talk about other topics often, even taboo ones. This gives your teen an open-door policy to talk about anything with you.
Start early, as soon as they have heard about drugs have an open dialogue at an age appropriate level. Its better to get information from you than from a peer that may not have the facts.
Know the facts! If you do not know the answer to their question don’t guess! Let the child know that you are proud of them for asking and that you will get back to them with an answer. They will appreciate your honesty and effort.
Be clear with your teen on where you stand regarding cannabis use and that their behaviour will be measured against this standard. Try and do this as part of a conversation and not as a lecture.
Actions speak louder than words! Be a good example! You are a key influence in your child’s life, and they look to you for guidance. Have your actions be in line with the standards that you establish for your teen.
Parents who talk to their teens about cannabis use and monitor their activities can reduce the likelihood of their teen using cannabis.
Feel free to use this blog as a conversation starter with your teen.
If you think your teen has a problem
Talk with them about your concerns in a non confrontational way
Provide them resources with information regarding the developing brain and cannabis use
Talk to your family physician, counsellor, or other mental heath provider
Visit which provides links to services in your area
Inform your teen about the National Kids Help Phone. It is a Canadian, toll free, bilingual, phone and web counselling referral and information service for youth.
Phone 1-800-668-6868
Text CONNECT to 686868
Go to the National Kids Help Phone website and click the CHAT button at the bottom of the page OR download the ALWAYS THERE APP on IOS or Android devices.
NEVER use cannabis before operating a motor vehicle! Cannabis diminishes concentration, reaction time, and attention, and driving under the influence is a criminal offence!
Thanks for visiting!
Canadian Medical Association. (2020, April 21). Cannabis.
Government of Canada. (2020, April 21). Cannabis in Canada. Get the facts.
Government of Canada. (2020, April 21). Canadian student tobacco, alcohol and drugs survey.
Government of Canada. (2020, April 21). Is cannabis safe to use? Facts for youth aged 13-17 years.
Image credits:
Siegler,R., Eisenberg, N., DeLoache, J., Saffran, J., & Graham, S. (2014). How children develop (4th ed.). Worth Publishers.
The Center for Addiction and Mental Health. (2020, April 21). Cannabis.