Elder Abuse
As our population ages so does the number of elder abuse cases. Often elders do not report abuse or neglect for many reasons:
Taught not to “air their dirty laundry”
Dependence on abuser for care/shelter
Mobility and/or sensory impairments
Rarely left alone with anyone except the caregiver
Abusive/neglectful situation is their “normal” (history of abuse)
Fear not being believed (labelled forgetful or mentally incompetent)
There are several types of elder abuse/neglect:
Emotional- e.g yelled at, threatened, or isolated
Financial- abuse of financial control or misallocation of the elders resources e.g elder doesn’t know where their money is going or certain family members or friends only visit on pension day
Physical- e.g. pushed, restrained (for other than their own safety), or slapped
Sexual- e.g touched inappropriately or forced to engage in watching explicit material
Medical- e.g withholding medication or over sedating
Neglect- failure to receive adequate care and/or resources, e.g. untreated medical conditions, poor hygiene, unhealthy weight
Self-neglect- elder perhaps lives alone and has become unable to provide themselves adequate care and/or is a threat to their own well-being, e.g. untreated medical conditions, poor hygiene, unhealthy weight, mobility and sensory issues
Abuse of an elder can begin for several reasons:
Caregiver fatigue
Caregiver suffers from uncontrolled mental illness or substance abuse
Family violence in the home
Lack of resources and supports
Elder abuse not only occurs in care giver relationships, but can be seen when the elder is in relationships with family members, friends, strangers, and service providers.
The above lists are not all inclusive and do not excuse elder abuse for any reason.
If you are concerned for the well-being and/or safety of an elder, please speak to a professional or contact your local Adult Protective Services or Provincial Family Violence Line about your concerns, or if an emergency please call 911.
Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council. (2020, June 15) What is elder abuse? https://www.albertaelderabuse.ca/what-is-elder-abuse/what-is-elder-abuse
Image Credits- https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Ezori9vw&id=0A9FA08506FABC1B7A5D28D96251BF25018583BA&thid=OIP.Ezori9vw1aJxLxQ4I_K0qQHaET&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimages.nailsmag.com%2fpost%2fM-elderly-old-senior-hands-462587789-1.jpg&exph=372&expw=640&q=elder+hands&simid=608018668498912016&ck=10DC7160B96B0BC6E59B33AD046F52B6&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0